For Parents

A consultation with the Schulpsychologischer Dienst (SPD) is usually arranged by the teacher of your child after a Schulisches Standortgespräch (SSG), which is a formal discussion between the parents and the teacher.  There is also the possibility that parents contact the SPD on their own and get the advice of the SPD in up to two consultations free of charge. The SPD supports you as parents in all questions regarding educational development and gives advice in matters of challenging educational situations. The team at SPD will typically assess the situation, develop processes for improvement and outline possible next steps for resolving the encountered difficulties. Before any subsequent diagnostic tests may be carried out by the SPD, a separate consultation must be arranged by teacher and only after having held a formal discussion as a Schulisches Standortgespräch (SSG). The SPD may participate in an SSG when the Schulleitung agrees to this. The SPD is bound to professional confidentiality requirements.